Thursday, February 17, 2011

Hello and welcome

Who knows if anybody will ever see this. If not, that's cool too.

Today is a big deadline at my full-time day job, and all i can think about is writing my novel, not doing technical editing. That's what i do though, technical editing. What is it? Well, you edit all sorts of content that comes with computer programs, from user interface text, you know those little menus and button you click on, to programmer references. Basically, this stuff pays the bills, but sucks your soul.

Since i really shouldn't be working on a blog today at all, i will just post a few links for those trying to get the writing thing going.

The deadline for ArtTrust Fellowship is coming up, February 25th. I am not applying, because i don't think my 10 page writing sample will be up to snuff, but you should:

If you are interested in residencies, the one that seems doable to get into as a beginner is Centrum, here in Port Townsend.
I am seriously considering this, but with a 2.5 year old, i am afraid i can't do a week at this place without a)missing him b) worrying about his dad working too hard. My husband stays home with our son for now, but that's not an easy job. Curious what other moms would do? Would you take off for a week of complete isolation and solitude to get your creative juices flowing? I am thinking i would rather just go and write during the day. But anyway, this is pretty affordable, about $300/week and easy to get into.

And last but not least, I've been reading a great book called "Writers Dreaming." 26 famous writers talk about how dreams affect their work. Fascinating, inspirational, with some great craft insights and mind tricks. I feel like I've learned a lot more from this book than from a few writing workshops that I've attended.

Okay, that's all for now. More when I'm not on a deadline at work.